Reflections on the conduct of using credit card obtained by fraud with false identification paper 论使用以虚假的身份证明骗领的信用卡之行为
English version ; and ; copies of the valid travel documents and other supporting identification papers (英文版) ) ; ( v )有效的旅游证件副本及其他身份证明文件副本。
The term of validity of identification papers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry 身份证件或者居留证件的有效期限,根据入境的事由确定。
6 identification paper of the representatives . for representatives of foreign nationality , copy of passport of the country he holds should be submitted 6 .提供代表身份证明:外籍人员提供所在国护照影印件,港澳同胞提供回乡证及长期居民身份的影印件。